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If you think you may need a submetering solution, call us. We provide free estimates and recommendations.

What is electric submetering?
People have varying ideas about what electric submetering actually is. While the ideas they have vary, most of them hinge on the actual truth about how electric submeters work.
Electric submeters are basically energy monitors that are attached downstream from electric meters. Each one breaks down the electric usage of individual tenants or dwelling units. It is monitored then broken down for a landlord or property owner to distribute a more accurate utility bill during the billing period. Other forms of utility submetering include: Water submetering and natural gas submetering.
"Installing a submetering system allows a property manager... to bill units individually for their share of the utilities. Submetering can be installed for all kinds of utilities, including water, gas, and electricity."
What are the benefits of electric submetering?
There are many benefits to using electric submetering. The biggest benefit is the ability to get accurate individual energy monitoring. This benefit is important for a landlord or property owner as well as the tenant.
For the landlord or property owner it removes the hassle of having to figure out individual electric consumption from the master meter.
For the tenant it allows you to have an accurate view of their actual energy usage based off of kwh(kilowatts per hour), as well as find out if there is any power wasted. It'll also help tenants lower their energy costs through energy conservation. This offers incentives based off of energy efficiency.
What properties can have electric submeters?
Properties that can have submeters include: apartment communities, mobile home communities, condominiums, residential buildings (such as student housing), as well as commercial offices and warehouses.
If you are the owner or landlord for an older property, it is best to make sure your electrical systems are up to code. Also you should check for any local utility meter or utility submeter regulations or utility company rules in your area.
Are there electric submetering regulations?
Regulations vary state from state. Be sure to read up on local ordinance and county ordinance. Additionally you want to research any local and state regulations before going with an utility submetering company. Failure to do so could cause financial damages.
What is RUBS billing and does it help?
Ratio utility billing system is a method that calculates a resident's utility bill based on a pre-set formula and usage information. The actual utility bill for the property is distributed to each resident based on this formula.
The formula is determined based on several variables including: occupancy, square footage, number of rooms, and number of water fixtures. Ratio utility billing systems encourages tenants to conserve power which would then cause their utility cost to decrease.
This type of billing can benefit both tenant and landlord. Reducing the bill for utility usage is a great benefit for the tenant. Reduced the usage through the utility meter typically means less use of appliances like dishwashers, washers, dryers, and water heaters. Less wear and tear is great for landlords.

A building owner that opts to use a utility submeter system will find that it is a much easier method of billing for electric use than attempting to include it in the rent or making a flat rate part of a rental agreement. Some people just don't care about their energy consumption or energy conservation. However, if an occupant is affected by their personal use through their individual meters, it is likely you will see a different attitude.
Electric submeter installation
Electric submeter installation can help improve your overall property valuation. Landlords and building operators for an apartment complex, condominiums, mult-unit residential buildings and many forms of commercial real property love our utility submetering solutions. The electrical master meter system simply doesn't help them control energy usage the way an individual electric submeter does when installed in each dwelling unit.
There are several different types of electric submeters. These include Modbus Sub-Meter, Pulse Energy Sub-meter, BACnet Power Meter and Pulse Submeter.
These submeters must meet the Ashrae 90.1 metering requirements. Ashrae 90.1 is an energy standard for buildings for energy efficiency. Some of these requirements include energy usage being recorded every 15 minutes, usage must be recorded hourly, daily, weekly and annually, as well as the data for each tenants energy usage must be made readily available for the tenant at all times.
Most of the newer submeters allow for wireless meter reading. This allows for better real-time transmission of data to the utility company and also makes the data more accessible to the energy consumer.

Electric Submetering solutions for new construction
A property owner or landlord can elect to have a submetering system installed alongside the standard power meters while building their new building. The incentive for installing an electric submeter system for new construction is much easier since it can be planned into the construction of the building.
Many newer buildings are being built with a building automation system that simplifies management of the electric utilities. This allows the building owner work with the electric company to better regulate energy usage throughout the complex.
When doing new construction, contractors will place the pieces of equipment for the submeter system in line to the master meter. So that they can easily trace usage to individualized locations.
Working on this during construction is a great time to consider adding a water meter system as well.
Electric Submetering solutions for existing construction
Installing an electric submeter in an existing building usually is a simple task, but there are the occasions where it can take a bit more work.
When retrofitting your existing construction with a quality submeter solution, it is best to use a professional installation company like FlowRite Metering to ensure you are meeting all requirements, ordnances, and regulations.
Electric Submeter Systems in a Homeowners Association
Electric consumption in a homeowners association (HOA) is generally a big deal. There are multiple "community systems" that require electricy to operate. Therefore, as every wise property owner knows, utility management is a necessity.
Depending on the quantity and quality one of these electrical systems, individual electric meters may be warranted.
How much does a electric submeter installation cost?
Excellent news... Submetering costs can be off-set by higher property value. Submeters usually has a positive Return on Investment within 12-18 months.
The cost of installation can vary based on if it is in new construction or in a re-existing building, number of individual units in the building, as well as any civil code, and local or state ordinance that need to be followed.
The cost for submetering is also affected by the type of system that you use. Some systems can be read remotely, while some need someone to come and read the meter in person.
Electric Submetering Companies
There are three types of submetering companies. These companies are Submeter Billing, Submeter Installation, and Submeter Maintenance.While there are some companies that use third party companies to manage different aspects of this, there are some submetering companies that offer all three services of this energy management under one roof.
Electric submeter installation companies
Electric submeter installation companies are part of a winning formula for lowering electric service usage, gas usage, water use, and sewer usage. A highly qualified submeter installation service like FlowRite Submetering, can provide submeters for water use, electric service, and even natural gas.
Electric submeter installation companies provide the services of submeter installations for landlords and building owners. They sell the equipment and the do the installations.
The magic starts right here but does not end here. Gallon per gallon, volt per volt, and pound per pound, we make utility submetering easy.
Electric submeter maintenance companies
Electric submeter maintenance companies respond to calls for repairs by landlords or facility managers. These companies usually offer technical support as well.
A highly qualified submeter installation service like FlowRite Submetering, can provide submeters for electric service, water use, and even natural gas.
This actually works to the benefit of your commercial or residential structure. Since it is being regularly maintained, there is a higher probability that any issues will be found before they become a problem to your commercial or residential structure.
Most maintenance companies will bill on a per service charge, if they do not have you on a regular maintenance plan.
Electric submeter billing companies
Electric submeter billing companies offer tenant billing that breaks down the cost of the utility into either a digital or physical invoice and then mails it to each of the tenants as their electric bill each month. They then send a break down of the monthly billing period for utility service to the landlord or property manager so they can review it. They also can post late payment charges and any other service charges directly to the bill.